Living up to what has gone on in the past here on Mother's Day weekend, we planted, re-arranged furniture and moved lots of dirt around the back yard.
We got the truck filled with dirt and peat moss at Aubuchons and home we came to spread it around, fill the strawberry boxes Bob made and fill all the flower boxes and pots.
Strawberry box ready and waiting to be filled with dirt and topped off with strawberry plants. We won't be able to harvest any berries this summer but next summer should be wonderful since between the 2 raised beds we put in 25 plants that someone gave us. Now all that's left to do are the tomatoes, peppers, carrots and beets which can't be done till May 30th when all chance of frost has gone by.
A picture of the strawberry box filled and planted. Notice the pants tucked in the socks in the picture below. It's that time of year with black flies and ticks. Even though it was in the 70's long pants, long sleeves and hats with nets were what we had to wear or get eaten alive. Even with all those precautions Bob found a deer tick on his leg when he was taking a shower. Fortunately it was still walking around and choosing a site to bite and Bob got him before it could do any damage-we hope.
Today we worked on the patio again. There's the other berry box and the window boxes (which are not going on any window) are planted with Parsley, Oregano, Rosemary and Basil. The wood table and chairs just didn't look right so those went
And what did I do? Well, someone had to take pictures and document the work and then after all that I had absolutely no choice.
I had to rest...
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