Another picture of the bread and salad. I know it's too busy in the background but I like the angle of the bread and salad so I put it in anyway.
AND, the big thing news is I've joined a walking group. It's true. I've joined a club. We all walk when we can and as far as we can. What more can you ask for? We all got the Nike+ app for our phones and we can track how far we walk, when we walk, calories burned, etc. and report into the group. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. One member is in Montana, one in Belfast Maine, and one in Stockton Springs, Maine. We're hoping to pick up a member in Ohio soon and one in Georgia. FLASH: GA is in and now all we need is Ohio to join. Give it some thought and we can talk it over. All it takes is email and the ability to walk. Hey, if I got in you know the requirements couldn't be that stringent.
The new plant seems to be holding it's own even with all the rain. I probably should have taken the buds off and let it put all the energy into growing roots, but I really needed color now in the garden. The Yellow is starting to creep into the picture more and more. In fact, you can see it in the upper left hand corner-creeping into the picture.
Even the tomato plants have yellow flowers. But they are really starting to bloom so hopefully we'll have some RED tomatoes before too long.
And now the real reason I went to the grocery store. The blur below is Bob heading off for a trip to Nova Scotia. He left Wed and will be home Monday night. Hard to believe he didn't leave enough food for me in the fridge. I broke down, bought the cookbook and got the ingredients since there's nothing left unfrozen in the house to eat.there he goes. He's off and riding |
And since he left me all alone and since my old loom sold and since I had money in my pocket I went to the Purple Fleece in Stockton Springs and bought some cotton so I can weave some little washable things like dish cloths and kitchen towels. I need a lot of practice warping the loom and weaving so I thought I would make those for our kitchen and then as I get better maybe share with people. We'll see. I think you're all safe for awhile and won't have to think up reasons why you don't use towels and dish cloths-yet but be warned, the time will come to use those excuses, trust me.
The New Yorker was good this week and the article by John McPhee, Editors and Publisher, enticed me to download some of McPhee's books to my Kindle. I had forgotten what an enjoyable read he is.
We've had one whole day without rain today and the gardens, the lawns and the house are looking really good. As always, we're waiting for you to come and can hardly wait for sons, wives and kids to arrive so I can put some pictures of them sitting in the yellow chairs on the blog. The chairs are empty and waiting for you