Monday, June 25, 2012

Making up for Lost weeks.

 The potato salad garden is starting to come along.  Potato plants, tomato plants, peppers and oooops, eggplant.
 The salad garden is really doing well and we've had multiple salads and kale soup.  It was great.
 It's the end of June and time for Bob to pack up and head to Canada to see all his buddies from Nova Scotia and the Provinces.  He'll try to get out of town tomorrow if it isn't raining too much or wait till Wednesday and make a run for it.  With this kind of summer he can't count on too many sunny days so  he'll have to go when he can.
 I went for a walk and looked across the street.  Even in the summer, thoughts of winter are all around.  They bought 10 cords of wood and will have it all stacked and put away by September.  How did the people of the 17th, 18th and early 19th Centuries survive up here. A lot of them didn't (see below).
 This boat always cracks me up.  The boat sits in the middle of a field and it must belong to Miss Havisham. She and her groom were probably going to go across a lake after the wedding dinner to their honeymoon.  And here it sits, waiting.  Ok, you may ask, who is Miss Havisham?   Come on, you don't know? One of the great love stories that never was.
 Just some pretty flowers I saw growing wild on the walk.  I have no idea what they are but I didn't touch them so I won't get anything from them.  With my luck they're probably blooming poison ivy or something.
 The cemetery at the end of our road has more than one Civil War vet buried there.  Going to fight in the Civil War must have been like soldiers today going to Afghanistan.  The only difference is that they might have been able to kind of understand Southern.  But it would have been as strange and different from anything they were used to up here. And so far away when you're on foot.
 Found this plant on the side of the road too.
And this lovely bed of greens.  It's been a wet summer so far and things are growing like crazy.  In fact, it's raining right now-again.

Today's my sister's birthday!  She's still older than I am, but way more wonderful and I'm sure lucky to have her around.  I hope it's a great day and you get LOTS of cake and ice cream and 3 way chili.

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